The Better Ice Scraper Wins Episode 9 of America’s Big Deal on USA Network!
America has spoken! Hal Greenberger and the Better Ice Scraper have been selected as the winner of episode 9 of America’s Big Deal on USA Network! You can see our winning pitch here, and see us make a deal with Lowes here.
The Better Ice Scraper

Fast • Smart • Easy
One-Pass Chip & Clear
Rugged Ice Teeth and Brass Frost Blade simultaneously contact the glass so chipping and clearing happen in one clean motion. No flipping back and forth needed – edges are always held at optimal angles for scraping.

Shape Shifting
Patent pending Shape ShiftingTM technology allows the frost edge to conform to the shape of windshield.

Greater Chipping Power
The incredibly stable design combined with its curved shape that perfectly fits the base of your hand greatly increases chipping power.

Brass Blade
Solid Brass blade maintains its finely-honed frost clearing edge longer than plastic.

Improved Ergonomics
Novel design substantially reduces hand and wrist strain.

Cushioned Grip
Soft touch material cushions hand and improves grip.
Our Patent Pending Shape ShiftingTM technology allows the entire frost edge to contact your windshield to remove frost – unlike traditional ice scrapers. The Better Ice Scraper’s frost edge conforms to the shape vehicle windows – regardless of their curvature.

See How It Works
We used sophisticated Finite Element models to simulate how The Better Ice Scraper deforms when forces are applied. We varied numerous parameters and analyzed the results of the FE model for each change to optimize the design. The resulting structure ensures the frost edge deforms just enough to conform to window curvatures but remains stiff enough to efficiently remove frost, while simultaneously achieving the high strength needed to last through many winters of abuse.
The novel geometry of The Better Ice Scraper has much in common with the design of bridges. Like the trusses of a bridge, the side walls of The Better Ice Scraper (which tie frost and ice edge ends to each other) provide substantial strength. Bending loads applied to the ends of frost and ice edges are transformed into tension and compression loads in the side walls, just like in a bridge truss, making The Better Ice Scraper structure incredible rugged.
Ideal for people with reduced grip strength
Did you know that 50,000,000 Americans (1 in 5) have been diagnosed with some form of arthritis? The improved ergonomic design of The Better Ice Scraper engages the large muscles of the arm and shoulder while reducing the demands on the hand and wrist making our scraper significantly easier to use, especially for people with reduced grip strength.

To press a traditional hand-held ice scraper edge against a window, a user’s hand needs to produce a “force couple” by pushing down and pulling up simultaneously on the scraper handle. This leads to hand and wrist strain and increases the risk of injury.

The ice teeth and frost edge of The Better Ice Scraper simultaneous contact the windshield making it inherently stable. A user only has to apply a simple force (i.e. simultaneous pushing down and pulling up not required) to press the scraper against the windshield. This substantially reduces hand and wrist strain and lessens the chance of injury. The novel design also ensures ice and frost edges are always held at optimal angles for ice and frost removal.

Available Now
The Better Ice Scraper is now available on Amazon.

Innovation and a deep desire to create better solutions to real-world problems is in our DNA.
Scraping ice off your windshield can be a time-wasting hassle so we invented a better way. Our first product resulting from our ongoing R&D effort is The Better Ice Scraper.
We applied design thinking and sophisticated engineering to create a powerful, compact ice scraper that has already helped thousands of customers save valuable time.
We are humbled by the great feedback we have received from reviewers and customers and are working on a number of exciting new products for the future!
Contact US
We love to hear from our customers! If you would like more information or if you would like to share your experiences with Better Stuff products, please get in touch. We are working on a number of new things and have exciting plans for the future.
If you are a buyer interested in carrying Better Stuff products, please contact us and let us know. We’ll get right back to you!

Better Design | Better Performance | Better Stuff